People take personal loans for multiple reasons. While personal loans may not always be planned, it helps that the application process is simple, the amount is disbursed quickly, and there’s no need to be concerned with providing any collateral to get such a loan. Now, with every loan comes its…
One of the key factors of healthy financial habits is to keep track of your debts and to repay them in full and on time. Doing this impacts your credit score and determines whether lenders will perceive you as a reliable borrower, and find you eligible for greater loans for…
Personal loans aren’t always planned. Unlike a vehicle, education or home loan, personal loans don’t usually feature in an individual’s plans. However, when the time arrives for someone to take a personal loan, usual factors determine their eligibility. Therefore, it helps to have a stable and healthy financial history, so…
As we’ve often maintained, personal loans aren’t always planned, and it helps to have a healthy financial record so that your personal loan application is not rejected. One of the many benefits of a personal loan is that the application process is quick and easy, the amount is disbursed in…
‘Don’t bite off more than you can chew’ is something we’ve often heard. It is also something that few seem to follow. That people would like to access funds, and additional funds to meet their growing needs is understandable. However, that the same people should be wary of falling into…
The Importance of Healthy Financial Habits Spend wisely, save smartly, and lead a long, wealthy life You earn enough to make ends meet. You pay your bills on time. You create a monthly budget and stick to it. You’ve saved up for a rainy day, and even have a retirement…
StashFin provides a credit limit of up to Rs. 5,00,000. The loan amount can be repaid in flexible EMI tenures ranging from 3 to 36 months.
A personal loan is a type of unsecured loan that requires no collateral. It can be used to cover various financial expenses like education, travel, etc.
The no-collateral feature of a personal loan makes it one of the most sought-after forms of a loan; because it can be used to meet any immediate financial needs.