The amount of loan that gets sanctioned to you depends on your income, employment stability, a good credit score, credit history, and a low FOIR.
StashFin allows its users to avail instant personal loans in 3 simple steps. With the StashFin loan app, you can ‘Enjoy the power of instant money!’
Expense Management refers to the tracking of employees’ spending and the reimbursement of these incurred costs by the company.
In essence, both Personal Loans and Credit Cards offer a way in which you can borrow funds within a short period.
FinTech has made financial services easily accessible via devices, online apps, and has ensured seamless and swift delivery.
When borrowing a personal loan, you are not required to give any information on why you need a loan. Let StashFin be the friend in need for you.
You can apply for an instant and hassle-free personal loan from StashFin, and use the funds to increase your working capital or even to fund your vacation.
A credit score is a numerical summary (usually 3 digits) given by a credit rating agency based on your credit history.
Team StashFin is very thankful to Mr. Arun Yadav for sharing his experience and we wish him all the best for his future.